Cinema Traditions

forumcinemasCan you guess what’s my favourite cinema’s name is?

Coca Cola Plaza.

And incidentally, that wonderful place is celebrating its twentieth birthday (technically, the company is but I’ve never been great with details, so…) and I am really happy. Not because it gives me an excuse to see Trance with dad tonight though I should be sleeping but also because it’s like a home to me. I get more tickets in a year than my friend’s family with four of them. I have mentioned that I go to the cinema often and that’s the place I go to. Working there is my ultimate dream and I’d probably kill for it.

Here are the things I love about going to the cinema. (Or how a quirky girl does it in a small country far away2.)

C A N D Y.  So, candy is crucial. It isn’t as noisy (and smelly) as popcorn, it’s cheaper and there are sunny-side-up eggs, vampire teeth, fizzy Coke bottles and the candy that tastes like detergent but what I still never fail to get.

P R E V I E W S.  I generally don’t know anything about the films I go to see. I might know the poster and therefore, some of the actors and the tagline, but not much else. But there are previews before screenings and these are a million times better when seen on the big screen. It feels more special and makes me really happy for some reason. Which might be that it means awesome films are coming my way.

T H E  S E A T S.  They are royal red, fluffy, soft and more comfortable than my bed. It’s one of the greatest things – sitting down, placing your Coke3 on your right, sinking into the chair, knowing the next few hours will be amazing. I mean, really, what beats that?

L O O K I N G  D O W N.  My usual seat is on the edge in an upper row. Sometimes, when watching the film, I glance down and see hundreds of people. Some are crying, some laughing, some clutching to their companion’s arm, some unable to take their eyes off the screen4. It’s fascinating to see how enthralled people are. And it gives a feeling of unity.

T H E  S U N L I G H T  A F T E R. I’m sure you know the feeling – after leaving the dark cinema, it’s still light outside. For me, it feels like I’d been off on a cosmic trip. (Some of my ideas are really weird.)

T H E  P O S T E R S.  They are large, lined up nicely and the perfect scouting place for a new film to see. And in my dreams, one day I will ask the workers if I can take one home with me.

T H E  P E O P L E.  In a sense, going to cinema is like a teaser of a vacation. The people are relaxed and happy, the workers are lovely. Nobody broods. And they usually do it 24/7 in Estonia. It’s an amazing environment to be in.

W H E N  T H E  L I G H T S  G O  O U T.  This is my favourite part. You’re about to embark on a journey – you don’t know if it’ll be good or bad yet, you don’t know what’s about to go on. You take a chance. And that’s definitely one of the best feelings in the world.

jeez, this sounds weird. I’m sorry.
2 Narnia, that is.
3 because, let’s be honest, I’ll always have that.
4 and of course, some morons who are on their phones, shining the bright light  everywhere. I’d ban that if I owned a cinema. Somehow.

12 responses to “Cinema Traditions

  1. I love going to the movies! As long as the people around my aren’t dirtbags which it seems like 80% of the time there’s a few. I’m not much for snacking in the theaters but I’m with you that I love sneaking a peek at people’s faces. Not long enough to take me out of the movie but enough to relate to everyone sitting around me. I also love previews/trailers! I have a hard time keeping up with them so I see most of mine before movies.

  2. I could do without the “people” part.

    • It’s the perfect set-up for an introvert if the people are all nice and civil – you get to be alone but you’re still with others. 😀 But I guess you could do without, too.

  3. Well I’m similar in a way. Candy – yes. Popcorn – nah. Coke – NO! 😀 Water – yes. Sunlight after – yes. People – not so much.
    I actually worked couple of days in a cinema.. selling tickets and checking people in.. man.. I could do it, sure but we were supposed to clean and stuff as well. And people are just SO messy in the cinema – it is horrible. I love going to the cinemas though.. Solaris is my kinda cinema I think. 🙂

  4. Sorry but it has to be popcorn for me! And coke of course. The cinemas in Estonia sound great, the have upper rows?

  5. I always get there early for the previews, it annoys my friends so much hahaha.

    • Hahaha, I can imagine. I’ve noticed they cut the previews shorter when there are less people in the cinema and it’s terrible – I’d actually like the time 10 years ago when previews lasted for a solid 25 minutes hehe.

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